15 Jan

The habits in children are developed at an early stage because they are in constantly growing and learning. Anything they pick up during the learning process will ultimately become their habit. Some of these behaviors are a good one, but the others are the ones to avoid.

Eating junk food is one of the habits children should avoid at an early age. Food habits go a long way with children because anything that is developed at an early age will stay with them for the longest time.

Why should healthy food be a priority at school cafe?

Reasons cafes should have health food:

Because we are talking about eating healthy and children spend most of their day in schools, so cafes need to provide healthy food. School cafes have significant responsibility for instilling the habit of eating healthy in every possible way.

Regular schools canteens don’t offer options for healthy food.  They have either packed snacks or just anything about junk-which is worrisome keeping in mind the importance of having good food for better learning and better health. Schools are trying to provide better options to students when it comes to having lunch at school café. For example, American primary schools in Dubai are trying to develop healthy eating habits among children and also include some healthy options in the café as well.

Following are some reasons why it has become absolutely essential for schools to have healthy food cafe.

Food habits development:

When students join the school, then they are in the age when they are still developing habits. If a child establishes their taste of unhealthy food, then they will not be able to have healthy habits later on.

Think this way; how likely you were able to change the taste of food completely? Only very few with lots of efforts. Thus if school café provide healthy food students will be able to have healthier choices.  

Unhealthy food= health problems:

Junk food is readily available and children like those cheesy tastes. This means they might like it for the moment, but after that, they will feel unhealthy.

Childhood obesity is rapidly increasing, and unhealthy food habits are one of the primary cause of these health problems. Obesity can lead to other chronic issues and cardiovascular diseases.

Poor concentration:

When children are not able to eat healthily then they are will be hungry more than anything. They will not have the required nutrients. The food is high in sodium, and it can make people sleepy.

When the nutrient value in a food is low, then it will make them feel less energetic, and their concentration won't be in class. In fact, they will not be interested in learning and would make it difficult for teachers as well.

Final thoughts:

Children are tempted by food, and in most cases, they come in handy. Health is wealth so why not give your children some good habits.

If you are looking for a top-notch international school, then American primary schools in Dubai should be your top choice.

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