24 May

Often children in early education are not confident about what they are speaking, so they end up murmuring while they are talking. The speech development is not that sharp, and they are going to have difficulty in uttering some words.

When students are not able to describe the information properly, then there is miscommunication and mumbling might reduce their confidence. This can have a strong impact on the success and performance of the students in the classroom. Teachers can easily positively use this situation and help students be good at their speech.

Mumbling is not a defect but is just difficult for people to understand what these young souls are trying to put across. There are different ways this situation can be handled and teachers across the globe, such as those in American primary schools in Dubai are trying to make students easy while mumbling.

This article is going to share some easy tips and tricks to help students improve at mumbling.

Ways to help students deal with mumbling:

Being an adult even now we face several words which keep us mumbling like anything. But we do not take that seriously because it is just about a word or two, but for children, it can be the whole sentence or just tongue-tied on every other word.

Following are some ways teachers can help the student build a tangible ability to speak:

Understand the extent of mumbling:

This is the first thing teachers have to do is know how much students mumble. You can do that by recording some of the chat with students and see how much work you need to put in. This will also give you an idea of how to introduce mumbling and improvement ideas to students. All you want to achieve is tangibility in the speech of these students.

Devise classroom activities:

Once you have observed and came to a conclusion regarding this extent of mumbling, then you need to devise some classroom activities which involve speech. This will include focusing on specific words and going slow about long sentences so that everyone in the classroom is on the same page. These activities will not keep students active but also help them learn fast.

Non-verbal cues of motivation:

When you are trying to help the student not stumble upon while murmuring at that time, you need to be active in offering non-verbal motivational cues. Not being able to say things in one go can be disheartening for students so these motivational cues like a smile or not being angry can be their energy booster. Also, you can set cues on ways to convey when you are not able to hear them clearly and adequately.

Final words:

Mumbling can happen, and there is nothing to worry about instead helping students get over it is essential. Teachers of international schools like American primary schools in Dubai should be able to come up with a creative way to reduce the anxiety related to mumbling. 

Let students be good at speaking with your positive strategies!

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