28 Jan

Each classroom is different, and since we are all different people having different styles of teaching, so there’s no single way of assessing kindergarteners. However, there are a few tried and tested methods that could help you see what may or may not work for you and your little ones.

In UAE where children have to be four or above in order to be enrolled in schools, it's important to figure out how much your child is understanding as it may lay down the foundation for their future requirements, pace, and needs.

 Learning activities in kindergarten play a significant role in helping children learn. Parents who opt for kindergarten schools in Sharjah are confident that their child is learning from the best!

Helpful Ideas to assess kindergarten learning

How to assess learning in kindergarteners

The following ideas list ways to help teachers assess their students learning. Owing to these, the teacher can revise the pace for their students. This ensures standardized teaching for all students within the class based upon their learning style and pace.

Take notes

It's worth mentioning here that teachers have a clear idea about what their students lack and where they excel. These details become extremely essential when teachers plan their future lessons. The best way to keep it in check is by ensuring that you keep notes regarding what you observe.

Writing down whatever you notice while you're working in smaller groups can make thing so much easier. It helps you collect important tidbits about your students. And what's best is that it's seldom required to refer back to your notes, you learn by writing! In case you forget something, you could always refer back to whatever you have written.

Small group assessments

  It's important to provide a quick assessment when working in small groups. It can be done in two ways. In case students in the group are working independently on something, assessment can be given to each student. The ideal assessment should allow you to get through 5-6 students.

 You could always try by starting on a single child. While they're still working the directions can be explained to another child and the attention diverted to the first again. Handwriting and maths go well with this type of assessment.

 Another way to go about it is by setting up groups and directing students. All students may be able to work independently by using divided chores. Since you are so close to the students physically, it helps in giving them redirections. An essential thing to do, however, is to have an activity planned when they are done, or they just won't stop interrupting.

Plan it to great extent

Classwork can also be used to perform assessments. This can usually be done for assessments that are usually done in class. This helps because teachers can gauge understanding of one concept across a spectrum of ideas and also errors like “the children not knowing what to do can be ruled out.

 It allows children to understand how to perform the test and then show what they may or may not know. In the case that teacher scan plan out similar activities, this is an ideal way to assess your student’s learning.

Take away

Although learning is an important aspect of all schools, it’s the assessment of learning that’s essential in order to gauge how much the students have understood. Opt for Kindergarten schools Sharjah, the best trying to enhance learning in children and paving their way to success.

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